invitiation to speak


We are interested in lighting the fires of revival across the entire world.  To that end, we are willing to go wherever the Lord sends us to bring the message of the four steps to revival, a message that has worked in churches wherever we have gone. If you would like us to come to your church or organization, please email us at

We are willing to come to your church, wherever it is, as long as we are financially able to.  We do not charge any speaking or engagement fees.  We would, however, appreciate an offering to help support our efforts to bring this message to your church.  The laborer is worthy of his hire.

We normally try to bring between 3 to 6 services, two a day for three days, whenever possible. If that is not possible, we can adjust to your schedule.
We suggest that you get a copy of Four Steps to Revival either by download or purchase by mail so that you will get an understanding of the messages that we bring. This is a hard-hitting message, but that is what the church needs today to bring her back to that place she has left.

In order to come, I need the following information:

  1. WHERE is your church?
  2. COST: What will it cost for me to come, stay in a hotel, and have transportation? I would have to have to raise enough money to pay for all that.
  3. WHEN – I can shift things to accommodate a trip to your church, but I need to know when so can plan around it.
  4. HOW LONG? – Will I have a full 5-day of meetings, or only 3 days?  Anything less than that will not bring out the message well enough to make it worth the time and effort.
  5. HOW MANY? – how many people can we honestly expect?  (not the amount you WANT, but the realistic number that will come). I need to know how much materials and books I need to bring.
  6. OTHER CHURCHES? – when the revival meetings are over, are there other places around you that also want me to come? I need to know how long I would have to stay there.

Anything is possible. We just have to know what to prepare for.